Random Fact

When I feel bad about something, I associate the feeling with you. I blame you for it even if you have nothing to do with it. Because that way, it’s easier to brush off emotions. I just tell myself I’m doing it to move on.

Trial and Error

I think we find our niche in life by exploring all possibilities and eliminating those that don’t work. Same thing applies when one is looking for a job.

Before graduation, all I knew is I want to create things in the field of advertising. A little bit after graduation, I had doubts, saying that I may not be as crazy creative as others out there. I am still determined to get into advertising but this time, I said I’ll try a different approach — management. Two days ago, I went to an interview that slapped me in the face that it’s not my place in advertising. I was crushed. I thought I am not meant to be in the industry that I dreamed of being a part of.

Today, I was in another interview. A job still in the field of advertising, but this time the position is more anchored to my training and my original plan — to create. After being crushed in my previous interview, the HR supervisor of today’s interview said something that I think put me right back on track.

“While settle for projecting something when you’re clearly meant to create great things,” she says.

I am still up for a couple more of interviews for this said job, but it feels great to be steered back to the right path and to feel validated that you are near in finding your niche.

Just let me rant

I am not a very patient person. When I set a goal, I am very eager to see results as soon as possible. Waiting agonizes me and absence of results frustrates me.

Today marks one month since my college graduation. I have been job hunting even a little before graduation day, been on a number of interviews and I still don’t have a job right now. It is just frustrating.

I know that there are still many companies that remain unexplored and opportunities that are yet to come, but I just cannot help but be discouraged that companies keep choosing another applicant over me. It is like an indirect statement that I am not as competent as I thought I am.

They said if you want something, you should chase it. I have been running to get into this industry that I have dreamed of becoming a part of. But it is like every time I come close, something just wouldn’t let me in. It got me thinking… do I really have a place in this industry? Should I consider a different career path?

My stubborn self just don’t want to give up yet.