Two Magic Words

I met Ma’am Data today because she returned my fourth thesis draft. When I arrived at the department, she was busy talking to Sir Choy, so I just sat down and waited. I was very nervous. “What if she’s not yet satisfied with it?” I thought. Then Ma’am Data approached me and handed my draft. “Read the comments,” she said then returned to talk to Sir Choy.

I took a deep breath and opened my draft. No more major comments, just copy editing symbols, grammatical corrections and some revisions for sentence construction. I felt slightly relieved. I told myself not to expect much because Ma’am Data might still want me to do a fifth draft.

After talking to Sir Choy, Ma’am Data approached me. “Ano? Nabasa mo na?” she asked. I just nodded. “Proofread mo na lang ‘yan, tapos iche-check ko sa Monday yung format… pero for binding ka na.

Oh the joy of hearing those words! A year of hard work has come down to this one moment! Oo, ga-graduate ako for sure! YES!

Sabi ko, hindi ko ilalabas yung graduation picture ko hangga’t hindi ako for binding… so as promised, the world premiere of my sablay photo! Hrhrhr.


Photo edited by: Rachel Relucio

About alexsees
"It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all - in which case, you fail by default." I try to live by these words of the genius that is JK Rowling.

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